The National Writing Project focuses the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of our nation’s educators on sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners.
resources from this partner
How to Search for Openly Licensed Media for your L2P 2.0 Submission
This document explains how to utilize the Creative Commons search to ensure that images you add to your L2P 2.0 letter or video submission are license...
- Resource Type:
- Informational
How to Use Tagging at the Letters to the Next President 2.0 Publishing Site
See this document for an explanation of how tagging works at L2P 2.0 and why authors should tag their letters. You'll find helpful tips for how to tag...
- Resource Type:
- Informational
It’s Elementary! Writing letters to the next president in the primary grades
[caption id="attachment_838" align="aligncenter" width="700"]...
- Resource Type:
- Curriculum, Tools/Toolkit
Primary Sources, Problem-based Learning, and L2P 2.0: Stimulating and Supporting Youth Learning in Science
Trey Smith, Teacher Consultant with the Philadelphia Writing Project and ...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
L2P 2.0 “Focus on Audience and Purpose” Mini-Unit from NWP’s College-Ready Writers Program
A key element of the Letters to the Next President 2.0 project is an authentic audience and purpose. These letters will be public, able to ...
- Resource Type:
- Curriculum
Arguing the CRWP Way: Establishing a Classroom Climate for Inquiry and Generosity
Join members of the College-Ready Writers Program (CRWP) leadership team for a discussion of how CRWP materials and principles encourage students to ...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
Creating a Culture of Argument
This BloomBoard collection by the National Writing Project offers middle and high school teachers multiple ways to appr...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
L2P 2.0 “Finding a Topic” Mini-Unit from NWP’s College-Ready Writers Program
When students are faced with the challenge of writing a letter about an issue to an audience they have never met, roadblocks such as what is included...
- Resource Type:
- Curriculum
Growing L2P 2.0 Into a Project That Can Have Impact Beyond the Classroom
Steven Zemelman's newest Heinemann title, From Inquiry to Action, combines two of...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
Teachers Teaching Teachers: From Inquiry to Action with Steven Zemelman
Annotate Steven Zemelman's introduction for his latest book, ...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
NWP Radio—Design Thinking for Letters to the Next President 2.0
Over the last couple of months, Writing Project colleagues have been thinking and talking about the opportunity of Letters to the Next President 2.0 t...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
NWP College-Ready Writers Program
The central goal of the College-Ready Writers Program (CRWP) is to help students become skilled at writing arguments from nonfiction sources. The pr...
- Resource Type:
- Tools/Toolkit
Opinion Writing in Primary Grades: What qualities Do We Want in Our New President?
Jean Wolph, the director of the Louisville Writing Project, offers an opinion writing mini-unit on qualities of the next president. It culminates in s...
- Resource Type:
- Curriculum
Mini-Unit: Making the Case in an Op-Ed
This mini-unit created by Linda Denstaedt of the Oakland Writing Project suppo...
- Resource Type:
- Curriculum
NWP Digital Is: Persuasion through Public Service Announcements
Kristyna Brewer from the Central Texas Writing Project shares how digital writing reignited a passion for writing in her classroom and how the creatio...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
Why is Argumentation a Critical 21st Century Skill?
In this brief video, Elyse Eidman-Aadahl, Executive Director of the National Writing Project (alongside Argubots from Glasslab Games), makes a case a...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning
Screencast: Creating a Culture of Argument
Beth Rimer of the Ohio Writing Project shares a screencast about supporting st...
- Resource Type:
- Professional Learning