Letters to the Next President 2.0
Join teachers and mentors to power civic participation for a new generation of youth.
Youth Publishing Platform *
Letters to the Next President 2.0 is opening as a publishing platform for youth (13-18) to capture their voice on the election issues that matter to them throughout the campaign season.
*coming in August
Flexible for Educators
There is no required curriculum or timeline. Letters can be in any format: text, video, audio or image. Educators can invite youth to choose their own topics or can build the project into existing, more structured lessons (such as examining issues related to science).
Safe for Youth
Youth can trust that their work will not be followed by comments that often show up on social media or other publication sites. Each letter is featured alongside thousands of other letters by youth around the US — highlighting the diversity of ideas and opinions without comments or advertising.
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Make a Plan Through Play
We encourage you to make a plan by playing the Letters to the Next President 2.0 Scavenger Hunt. Join educators from across the country who are making, sharing and reflecting on their plans for supporting the youth they work with...
Lights on Afterschool
America will light up for the nation’s biggest rally for afterschool on October 20, 2016. Lights on Afterschool, a project of the Afterschool Alliance, calls attention to the importance of afterschool programs for America...
U.S. Media Literacy Week
Media Literacy Week is designed to bring attention and visibility to media literacy education in the United States. Inspired by Canada’s Media Literacy Week, the National Association for Media Literacy Education is leading the e...
Local Election Toolkit
presented by: KQED
Letters to the Next President 2.0 asked students to share their views on an issue that mattered to them during the 2016 election. But students don’t need a presidential election to make their voices heard. The L2P2.0 model can b...
PBS Election Central: After the Election
presented by: PBS Education: Election Central
After a winner is announced in a Presidential election, the U.S. begins a peaceful transition of power from the President to the President-elect in order to sustain our democracy. How can being a good citizen support our changing ...
Resources to Gear Up for the Inauguration and First 100 Days
presented by: KQED
January 20 will mark the 58th inauguration in our nation’s history. President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign and subsequent election was inspired in part by widespread frustration with business as usual in Washington. But his i...
How to Let Your Local Media Know about Letters to the Next President 2.0
presented by: KQED
Your local newspaper, radio or TV station may jump at the chance to do a story on what your students are doing for Letters to the Next President 2.0. This handy set of media engagement tips will provide you with all the informatio...

Public media and Educator Innovator partners are developing learning opportunities and resources for educators and mentors working to support civic participation and digital literacy. Sign up to receive resource and event updates and follow on social media.